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"Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve."

Sick With An Illness


In 2021 I was sick with a illness. I had a fever and the only thing my stomach would accept was a piece of toast and frozen blueberries. It didn't matter what I did, the fever continued to linger. It would go up and down so quickly, so there were times I thought I had finally overcome it. 


I dealt with this for a week and a half, suddenly it spiked very quickly and I knew then that what I was doing wasn't working and I needed something more so I asked my husband to contact my Mom to see if she has anything on hand that could help a fever. She hooked him up with Aim GarlicAIM and I believe the Garden Trio maybe a few other things. He left the house immediately to go pick those items up. 


While he was gone the fever continued to spike to scary high levels I had never experienced before in my life. It felt like I was losing control of my whole body and everything around me wanted to spin out of control. I fought to stay in control of my body.


Anyways, my husband returned with a bag of Aim Products and I grabbed the GarlicAIM to take those first. As I went to swallow the capsule, I remembered I had been taught... if you put things under your tongue it will hit your bloodstream quicker and in return can give quick results. So I popped open a GarlicAIM capsule, put the GarlicAIM contents under my tongue, and held it there as long as my mouth could handle it. (that stuff is hot!) There was instant relief! My temperature started dropping back down to normal very quickly with just one capsule, so I did a few more capsules like that back to back. Within 24 hours my fever finally broke and I was able to eat my first meal since getting sick. By day three I was back to normal. 


Migraine Headaches


In 1997 I began  experience recurring migraine headaches almost every two weeks. I would be sick in bed for a day or two. 


Our friends introduced us to the AIM Products, such as the Garden Trio (Barley Life, RediBeets, Just Carrots) and Herbal Fiberblend. They explained the benefits of build up our bodies with whole foods and cleansing our bodies with Herbal Fiberblend.


I began to use the AIM Garden Trio and Herbal Fiberblend. I also changed my diet to more fresh green, veggies and fruits. My meals consisted of salads, steamed veggies, very little meat or processed foods. Within a year, I felt like a totally different person, NO MORE MIGRAINE HEADACHES!! My energy level went up and to this day we are still using these products. 


We have been so grateful to AIM for providing such great products for us!! These products give our body the nutrition they need to support our immune system.

Thyroid, Foggy Brain, Slow Metabolism & Low Energy


Yep, that's a mouthful, but imagine having all these things starting to spiral out of control, meanwhile, still trying to function like a normal person. IT.WAS.NOT.FUN!! 


It got to the point where my immune system picked up every sickness germ I got remotely close too. I'd be sick for a week, get better, only to get sick again. This was happening anywhere from 1-2 times a month. Due to building a business we were just not in a place where we were able to have these products around at all. Thank goodness for great family & friends! After finding out I'd had a fever on and off for a week they blessed us with the Garden Trio, Herbal Fiberblend, Cocoa Leaf Greens, Peak Endurance, Composer, Flora Food, Prepzymes and GarlicAIM. 


My fever had spiked to a level where it felt like I was losing all control of my senses. Fortunately, I had just been given the GarlicAIM so I opened two capsules and put the powder under my tongue, letting it set until I felt the sting of garlic, then I put water in my mouth swishing it around for a minute and swallowed. In a very short time I felt my fever drop like crazy. I was no longer dizzy and the ceiling was no longer spinning. I was impressed!!


My energy levels started increasing and with each passing month of consistently taking these products my strength has soared! I no longer feel like an old person at a young age. The amount of work I'm able to handle on the little amount of sleep I get compared to before is CRAZY! But I am so in love with feeling strong, energetic, young and sassy again!  

Easing the Sting


In the summer of 2008 our daughter and son both had reactions to wasp stings. Our daughter had been stung in the past and reacted the same way. For both incidents, we took our children to the emergency room.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        After bringing our daughter home from the emergency room following the first incident, I called our friend, that had introduced us to the AIM products, and I asked her if there was something AIM had that would help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  She recommended using Mag-nificence CWR  on our daughter's wasp sting, which was on the tip of her nose. The results were amazing! She had hardly any swelling. From that day forward, our daughter always carried a small container of it in her purse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    About a month later, our son was also was stung by a wasp. In his case, he broke out in hives on his face, all the way down to his waist. His mouth and ears became swollen and his body was a dark red color.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            When he was released from the emergency room, we used Mag-nificence CWR on his sting. And once again we were amazed by the results!                                                                                           


From then on, we have always used Mag-nificence CWR on wasp and bee stings.                                                                                                                                                                                                THANK YOU, AIM, FOR THE WONDERFUL LIFE GIVING PRODUCTS!!


"Products of The Aim Companies" have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Individual results may vary.

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